I found this video of Talyn when he was about 81/2 months old. I had just sucked his nose with the nose sucker and I just about gagged. Talyn thought it was the funniest sound ever...I kept making the gag sound and he would just giggle. He has the best belly laugh!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Posted by Shelf at 11:19 AM 3 comments
Friday, December 7, 2007
I have been tagged several times so I thought I would get started. Here is one of a few I have been tagged with.
*How long have you been together? 12 years...But we had several off and on moments. We have been married for just over 8 years now.
*How old is he? Just turned 31!
*Who eats more? Usually Corey, unless it is pizza than I surely eat more. (Pizza is a weakness of mine)
*Who said I love you first? Definitely Corey. It took me awhile to pull that out of the hat.
*Who is taller? Corey. He has me by about 10 inches
*Who sings better? That is a toss up. Neither of us sing very loud. I think it is because we both know we aren't very good.
*Who is smarter? Depends on the subject.
*Who does the laundry? That would be me. Corey's idea of laundry is wash one shirt at a time or throw all different colors in at the same time.
*Who does the dishes? We split this task.
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do unless we are staying somewhere else and the right side of the bed is closer to the door than I sleep on the left side. I like being the furthest from the door.
*Who pays the bills? We split this task as well. I do for the most part but he pays a couple. Although, I am constantly reminding him, "don't forget you need to pay those bills".
*Who mows the lawn? Corey. He claims I would never mow the lawn, but he forgets I grew up mowing the lawn. Besides, he never gives me a chance to...he is obsessed with mowing the lawn. I swear he mows every other day.
*Who cooks dinner? Rolayne, my mom, Angie, Wingers, Guads! Niether of us are real big cooks but I will cook. I can count on one hand how many times Corey has cooked in 8 years.
*Who drives when you are together? Corey almost always does. He will tell you I drive but that I drive from the passenger seat.
*Who is more stubborn? That is definitely me, no questions asked.
*Who kissed who first? Which go around? Actually that doesn't matter, he did all three times.
*Who asked who out? High school - Corey/Paul Belcher (long story). College & after his mission- Corey. The 3rd go around is questionable. I called him after not talking for about 4 months to tell him I was moving and to say goodbye and he called me back the next day to go to dinner.
*Who proposed? Corey. I can say it wasn't the most romantic proposal but for those who know the story it was truly perfect for Corey & I.
*Who is more sensitive? I can say without a doubt Corey. He is so kind hearted he never wants to upset or offend anyone. He is always trying to make everyone happy. I think my stubbornness gets in the way of my sensitivity sometimes. Obviously it depends on the situation. Now, when it comes to animals I am extremely sensitive.
*Who has more friends? We both have a lot of the same friends since we went to school together. We also have friends that we have made through the years separate and together.
*Who has more siblings? Corey has me beat in this department. He has an older brother & sister and a younger sister. I am an only child.
*Who wears the pants in the family? I would probably have to say I do and I think most people would probably agree. Again it comes down to the fact that Corey is just much more laid back than I am, he doesn't stress about the little things!
PS: Lindsay don't worry I haven't forgotten about your tag, I am just not a big fan of talking about myself so it is taking me some time to get it done.
Posted by Shelf at 1:52 PM 2 comments
Cookie Cutters
We took Talyn in for his second haircut about a week ago. The place we go to is called Cookie Cutters. It is great. All the chairs are different kinds of cars. They have screens in front of each chair that plays a movie if you would like. There are many things to keep the kids distracted from the person cutting their hair. This time we went for a shorter, more spiked look rather than the shag he has always had. I can't believe how much older it makes him look.
Posted by Shelf at 10:29 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Playing Catch Up!
I can't seem to stay caught up with this blog. So here we go again playing catch up.
On November 30 we had our annual B&B (Bruse & Belcher) birthday bash! Corey and Paul celebrate their birthdays together by renting out a skybox for a Jazz game. This year we celebrated their birthdays with many close friends, enjoyed a catered dinner & watched the Jazz destroy the Lakers!!
Posted by Shelf at 11:06 AM 0 comments